Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

2 ways healthy daily calorie intake for weight loss

 2 ways healthy daily calorie intake for weight loss

1. Math count to calculate calories you will need for your ideal body weight.
Before that we calculate first how many calories you would necessity per day just to manage your weight. To tell you approximately how many calories you burn per day at rest.. your current weight and multiply by an average metabolic factor of 11 for women and 12 for men. For example, a 158 lb. woman could theoretically eat: 158 x 11 = 1,738 calories per day to maintain that 158 lb. weight. Note that any calories that disappear through sport get added to the calorie needed, If 158 lb. woman who burned 300 calories per day with her sport could be eat 1,738 calories + 300 calories burned for sport =2,038 calories per day.
And to lose your weight, take the weight you’d like to be, for example our 158 lb if your desired weight is 140, than multiply by the metabolic factor, 140 x 11 and this would give you a weight loss calorie intake of 1,540 per day. You will require to manage the weight loss once you have reached your target.
This is to look at how many weight you would like to lose, on average, per week and calculate how many calories to cut out of your diet to achieve that target. One pound = 3500 calories. To calculate how many calories to cut out of your calorie needed per day, divide 3500 by 7 days = 500 calories less each day to lose a pound per week. you could also burning 500 more calories with sport.
N0te: Daily calorie intake below 1200 calories should be under medical supervision…
2. Calorie guidelines to maintain weight based on median height and weight
This calorie guidelines to manage weight based on median height and weight a body mass index of 21.5 for females and 22.5 for males, as well as activity level.
To gain weight = add 500 calories per day for each pound you want to gain per week.
To lose weight 1 pound a week = reduce total calories in the chart by 500 a day by eating less and become more physically active.

calorie intake for weight loss
calorie intake for weight loss
Read more: 
Essential Nutrients and Their Functions for your body health 
Detox diets for weight loss.
Detox diet recipes for weight loss
Healthy dieting tips to lose weight

13 komentar:

  1. kunjungan pagi, sebelum berangkat ngantor.. nice post, gan. menarik minat untuk dibaca, bagus banget.

  2. informasinya benar-benar sangat bermanfaat. terima kasih

  3. terimakasih banyak, teman-teman.. membaca artikel ini membuat saya kembali bersemangan untuk blogging.. terimakasih.

  4. infonya sangat bermanfaat sekali gan, makasih. beritanya bagus dan sangat menarik sekali untuk di baca.

  5. selamat datang bulan desember!! semoga bulan ini membawa berkah dan membukakan pintu kesuksesan serta kebahagiaan untuk kami semua. Amiin,

  6. teirma kasih banyak karena sudah berbagi berita yang sangat menarik. zaman sekarang sudah jarang menemukan blog yang isinya penuh manfaat seperti ini, keren!!

  7. terima kasih atas informasinya. Sukses ya..!! Dan Terimakasih banyak telah berbagi informasnya, Semoga Makin Keren selalu untuk info beserta websitenya,,

  8. Sekalian Blogwalking ya, gan? semoga hari ini penuh berkah.. Amiinn

  9. infonya sangat bermanfaat sekali gan, makasih. beritanya bagus dan sangat menarik sekali untuk di baca. Ijin share ya gan, thanks..semoga semakin bermanfaat!

  10. Terimakasih atas informasinya :) semoga sukses slalu .. Ditunggu informasi menarik selanjutnya :) senang berkunjung ke website anda, terimakasih. sekali lagi thanks.

  11. Artikelnya sangat bermanfaat sekali, makasih ne ya!! beritanya bagus banget dan sangat menarik di baca siang ini. Ijin share juga ya, terimakasih sekali lagi

  12. Terimakasih gan, keep blogging. templatenya bagus ini, pengen deh punya blog kayak gini.
